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Caldwell E-max, Cald 1142645 E-max Pro Lnk Bluetooth Comm

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0.75 LBS
  • Caldwell E-max, Cald 1142645   E-max Pro Lnk Bluetooth Comm
  • Caldwell E-max, Cald 1142645   E-max Pro Lnk Bluetooth Comm
The product photos, item specifications, and description details on this page may not accurately represent the complete detail of the item being purchased. Please verify the product based on the manufacturer model # or UPC # with manufacturer provided specifications before ordering.


The e-max link is an advanced bluetooth communication device that enables communication between multiple users up to 12 miles (line of sight).The e-max link pairs to your current hearing protection wirelessly via bluetooth with compatible muffs or plugs or with a 3.5mm audio cord for non-bluetooth hearing protection.Included is a rechargeable battery (optional 3xaa use), with a usb-c charging cord.In the field or on the range, communicating with others has never been easier.Use the link with any caldwell hearing protection, including e-max comms, power cords, e-max pro, e-max pro bts, e-max shadows and e-max shadows pro.

Function: Communication
Battery Size: AA
Color: Gray
Compatible With: Bluetooth Hearing Protection
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Additional Information

Battery Size:
Compatible With:
Bluetooth Hearing Protection
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