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Adventure Medical Kits

Adventure Medical Kits Mountain, Amk 01001011 Mountain Hiker Kit Sunset

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  • Adventure Medical Kits Mountain, Amk 01001011 Mountain Hiker Kit Sunset
  • Adventure Medical Kits Mountain, Amk 01001011 Mountain Hiker Kit Sunset
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The sunset hiker contains carefully-selected first aid supplies to treat common on-the-trail injuries and illnesses.Includes: 5 adhesive bandages 1"x3"/ 5 adhesive bandages knuckle/ 3 bandages, butterfly closure/ 1 bandage, conforming gauze, sterile 2"/ 1 cloth tape 1"x10 yards/ 2 sterile gauze dressing 3"x3"/ 1 sterile gauze dressing 2"x2"/ 1 elastic bandage 2"/ 1 trauma pad 5"x 9" 1 ea./ 1 sterile non-adherent dressing 2"x3"/ 1 moleskin pre-cut/ 1 emt shears 4"/ 1 splinter/tick remover forceps/ 1 safety pin/ 1 latex-free gloves/ 2 paper towels/ 2 pain relievers/fever reducers (aspirin 325 mg)/ 2 antihistamine (diphenhydramine 25 mg)/ 2 pain reliever/fever reducers (ibuprofen 200 mg)/ 2 pain reliever/fever reducers (acetaminophen 500 mg)/ 1 wilderness first aid manual/ 1 triple antibiotic ointment/ 3 after bite wipe

Color: Multi-Color
Function: First Aid
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First Aid
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