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Bushnell Solar Panel, Bush 119986c Universal Solar Panel Tan

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3.48 LBS
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The bushnell solar panel is designed to function as a supplemental source of power for all current models of trophy cam hd aggressor, trophy cam hd aggressor wireless, impulse, core, cellucore and prime series cameras.With the solar panel mounted near your camera and connected to its external power input jack, you will find that your cameras batteries last much longer before they need to be replaced.The solar panel has an internal lithium ion power core, which is continuously charged by the solar cells when they are exposed to the sun.Once connected, the camera will draw its power from the solar panels charged lithium battery for as long as possible, switching to its internal batteries only when the solar panels battery's charge level is too low.The solar panel includes a usb port allowing the internal power core to be pre-charged before field use, from a computers usb connection or similar available source of usb power.Usb mini cable (not included).The charging indicator led on the back of the solar panel will glow red while charging is in progress, then turn green when charging is complete.A mounting bracket is provided with the solar panel.

Power Source: Micro USB
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Power Source:
Micro USB
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