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Exothermic Technologies Pulsefire, Exother Pf-lrt-silv Pulsefire Lrt Mirror Silver

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1.00 LBS
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The patent pending pulsefire lrt is the ultimate compact, lightweight, fully handheld flamethrower that sends a blast of fire 25 feet away with the press of a button.Constructed primarily of aluminum, the pulsefire is compact and easy to handle only 6 lb empty.When the voltage is low, the system will disable the trigger, letting you know it's time to charge or change the battery.Easy thumbscrew access to the battery compartment lets you charge or swap out your battery in seconds.Alternative nozzle designs can provide alternate stream options or california law compliance.Use for bonfires, snow & ice, weeds, insect hives, agriculture, pyrotechnics, forestry and film & tv.Includes battery, battery charger and user manual.

Model: Pulsefire
Color: Mirror Silver
Material: Aluminum/Brass/Viton
Weight: 6 lbs
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Mirror Silver
6 lbs
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