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Hme Scent Slammer, Hme Tngozn Scent Slammer Throwngo Elimntr

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1.04 LBS
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The scent slammer throw-n-go odor eliminator kills bacteria, viruses, and is 100% chemical-free, leaving no scent or residue.It's perfect in rooms for continuous use and in your duffel bag when you're traveling.It features a rechargeable 5,000mah battery and it can run up to 8 hours on a full charge.It has a flip up/down hook for hanging or clipping to a backpack.Included is a micro usb charging cable.

Type: Ozone Device
Function: Eliminates Odor
Range: 1000-1200 Cubic Feet
Battery Size: Li-ion
Color: Black
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Additional Information

Battery Size:
1000-1200 Cubic Feet
Ozone Device
Eliminates Odor
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