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Magpul Industries Corp Daka, Magpul Mag1361-001 Daka Utility Organizer Lg

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1.08 LBS
  • Magpul Industries Corp Daka, Magpul Mag1361-001 Daka Utility Organizer Lg
  • Magpul Industries Corp Daka, Magpul Mag1361-001 Daka Utility Organizer Lg
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The daka utility large organizer is a durable, weather-resistant compact case designed to protect, store, and secure important everyday use gear.Reinforced by its semi-rigid construction, the utility organizer provides more room to protect important items, making it the perfect admin pouch, travel kit, large electronics case, range accessory kit, and storage kit for anything handy.The exterior features a water-resistantykkaquaguardzipperwith a large zipper pull for easy access and closure.The oversized pull tab and carabiner pass-through keep gear at hand when needed, and the pen dot matrix makes id of whats stored within easy.The left interior panel consists of one main back-side pocket, one mesh pocket, four 1.5-inch stretch molle, and two stretch pockets.The right interior panel consists of one main back-side panel for notepad storage, one mesh zippered pocket, four 1.5-inch stretch molle, and two stretch pockets.The magpul daka utility organizer is made from polymer-infused textiles that are rf-welded on every seam.

Material: Polymer
Proofs: Water Resistant
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Water Resistant
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