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Magpul Industries Corp Daka, Magpul Mag1367-blk Daka V-block Kit

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0.15 LBS
  • Magpul Industries Corp Daka, Magpul Mag1367-blk  Daka V-block Kit
  • Magpul Industries Corp Daka, Magpul Mag1367-blk  Daka V-block Kit
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The magpul daka v-block kit expands the functionality of your daka grid organizer and daka hard cases by adding better stability and new storage configurations for gear that doesn't lay flush in your case or needs extra support.The kit includes two double v-blocks and two triple v-blocks constructed from our impact-resistant expanded polypropylene.Both blocks feature a v-shaped channel that runs down the center, providing better stability and a custom fit for barrels and other equipment that doesn't lay flat against the bottom of the case.Features: added stability and custom fit for barrels and other like items, expanded daka grid organizer and daka hard case configurability, compartmentalize and protect more of your gear, lightweight, durable, non-absorbent, and chemical resistant

Color: Black
Material: Polypropylene
Model: DAKA
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