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Magpul Industries Corp Daka, Magpul Mag1442-blk Daka Gear Straps 4pk

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  • Magpul Industries Corp Daka, Magpul Mag1442-blk Daka Gear Straps 4pk
  • Magpul Industries Corp Daka, Magpul Mag1442-blk Daka Gear Straps 4pk
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After feeding a daka gear strap through a daka grid panel, the foot-long straps hook-and-loop ends can immobilize a variety firearms or gear through the roughest handling.Its.75-inch width maximizes the straps surface area for a strong connection and snug fit that wont loosen over time, while still fitting through a daka grid panel.And because of the daka gear straps fastening method, each strap is quickly connected, released, and adjusted to safely secure your equipment as fast as you can adjust any daka grid blocks.

Color: Black/Red
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