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Muzzy Trocar Hbx, Muzzy 298 Broadhead Mzzy Trocar Hbx-100g

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0.18 LBS
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The trocar hb and hbx both feature 0.035-inch-thick surgically sharp stainless steel mechanical blades that stay tucked in tight to the solid-steel ferrule in flight, but they deploy reliably with a 1 5/8 expandable cutting diameter.The fixed blades are also 0.035-inch thick and have a cutting diameter of 1.They have an offset for increased accuracy and stability.The total cutting diameter of the hb and hbx is 2 5/8.The trocar hb and hbx feature a bone-crushing chisel tip.

Model: Trocar HBX
Weight: 100 gr
Quantity: 3 Per Pack
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3 Per Pack
100 gr
Trocar HBX
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