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Tannerite 1 Pound Target, Tan Grk-b Gender Reveal 1bl Blue

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6.83 LBS
  • Tannerite 1 Pound Target, Tan Grk-b Gender Reveal 1bl   Blue
  • Tannerite 1 Pound Target, Tan Grk-b Gender Reveal 1bl   Blue
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Tannerite's gender reveal boom box is everything you need for a gender reveal with color blaze's colored powder and a 1 lb.Tannerite brand binary rifle target all wrapped up in one beautiful package.- surprise! the powder is concealed so no one will know what color is inside.- just open the perforated flap on the front of the box and mix the target according to directions.(2 pack)blue

Enhancement Color: Blue
Quantity: 1 Target
Includes: 10 lbs Colored Powder
Hazair: Yes
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Additional Information

1 Target
Enhancement Color:
10 lbs Colored Powder
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