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Traditions Qd Quiver, Trad A2216 Crackshot 5 Arrow Quiver Pkge

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1.04 LBS
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The qd quiver holds 5 arrows and comes with instructions on how to attach it to your crackshot xbr.The rubber slots keep the arrows securely in place, stays quiet to eliminating any noise as you remove an arrow from the quiver, and also helps reduce vibration.This quiver can also accomodate broadheads as well as field tips.The quick detach system allows for the quiver to be detached from the bracket quickly and easily for storage or transport.Traditions qd quiver can be installed on either the right or left side of the forend to make it comfortable for all shooters.

Fiber Type: Traditions Crackshot XBR
Type: Quiver
Model: QD Quiver
Length: Black Carbon Fiber
Color: Black Carbon Fiber
Fps: Hold Arrows
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Additional Information

Hold Arrows
Black Carbon Fiber
Fiber Type:
Traditions Crackshot XBR
QD Quiver
Black Carbon Fiber
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