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Wildlife Research

Wildlife Research Magnum Scrape-dripper, Wild 381 Magnum Scrape Dripper

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0.15 LBS
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The magnum scrape-dripper keeps your scrape fresh.It drips only during the day to convince a buck that a doe favors the spot only during daylight hours.Gradually intensifies scent output to get bucks even more riled up.Normally shuts down during rain and bad weather, so it saves your scent.The dripper can operate for up to two or three weeks on 4 ounces of scent.

Type: Scent Dispenser
Species: Deer
Volume: 4 oz
Quantity: 1
Effective Time: 2-3 Weeks
Scent Type: Urine
Dispenser Type: Dripper
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Additional Information

4 oz
Dispenser Type:
Scent Type:
Effective Time:
2-3 Weeks
Scent Dispenser
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